Earlier this month I met with Greg Sheldon and we talked about #mineralfindertechnology, #oilandgasfindertechnology and #waterfindertechnology ( #MFT, #OFT & #WFT ) on his podcast. You can view our conversation, and Greg’s posting on LinkedIn, at this link.
For exploration geologists the technology is something of a disruptor to their thinking about how exploration is done, and can be done. It leverages different science and technology, has no environmental footprint, streamlines the process, shortens the timeline, slashes the cost, lifts success rates, and supports 43-101 and other resource certification standards.
It sounds too good to be true! But it is real. And it has been around for a while; the research started 30 years ago. Since then it has proved itself in hundreds of exploration projects and it has been constantly improved through ongoing research and development. Now is the time when it is getting more widely known and deployed.

If you are in mining, and haven't heard of it, I invite you to find out more, listen to the podcast, or contact Greg or me directly.